Product News

A New Era for Aeron

After 22 years the Aeron chair gets a makeover, and trust us, you don’t want to miss this.

Aeron New Colors
Aeron Old Vs  New
Original Aeron vs. New Aeron

Brought to life in 1994 by Don Chadwick and Bill Stumpf, the Herman Miller Aeron chair has grown to become “America’s best-selling chair”, and it doesn’t just stop there. Since 1994, more than 7 million Aeron chairs have been sold in over 134 countries and Aeron is so popular, a new chair is manufactured every 20 seconds on a slow day (wow!). For 22 years, people could not get enough of the Aeron chair and they still can’t.The Aeron has become an icon and has been featured in TV shows and movies such as The Simpsons, Pitch Perfect 2, The Ugly Truth and many more. It is also the only office chair to ever be displayed in MoMa, and even the President of the United States has at least 1 in the oval office.

New Aeron Colors

Today, the Aeron chair was re-released with some cool design benefits and colors. The new and improved version now comes in 3 sophisticated but fun colors, graphite, carbon and mineral to help users match the chair to any environment. It also has a ton of upgraded features, some of which include:

·        8 zones of comfort for the back using 8z Pellicle

·        Pellicle material instead of mesh to keep air flowing and body temperatures regulated

·        PosturefitSL which helps achieve a healthy open chest, forward pelvis position when sitting

·        Adjustable sacral & lumbar supports

Aeron 4 Back Choices
4 Back Choices to Customize Your Experience

On top of all of the new updates, this remastered Aeron is a big win for the environment. It is composed of 53% recycled material and the overall chair up to 91% recyclable. In addition to making the chair virtually waste free, Herman Miller also reduced the overall weight of the chair, bringing it down 3 pounds. This new Aeron is environmentally friendly, durable, comes in an incredible new color scheme and has improved comfort for users. Where do we sign up?!